
Help Them, Help Themselves  

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Since the beginning of the organization, we have secured a building in the capital of Ghana, Accra, which will be used as the initial office until further development.  The next phase is to furnish it with the necessary equipment and resources to meet the growth of the participants.  So far, we have some clothes, books, pens, shoes and give-aways being stored for shipment.  Our goal is to fill one shipping container with enough resources to get the program on the way.  Some of the materials that we are missing are transportation, phone services, internet set-up, and educational tools.  Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering as a mentor on or call (978) 235-4390.  All donations can be made out to PeopleofSubstance.  Please send them to: PeopleofSubstance, 6 Colbert Avenue, Maynard MA.  Thank you.